In today’s technology-driven world, significant noise levels are normal in all fields of life and work. Industrial and commercial noise are increasingly putting employees under strain and in danger. Particularly in industry and manufacturing, large machines and facilities produce noise. Examples of sources of noise include compressors and fans. Containers and pipes that are used for gases, steam or liquids also frequently constitute sources of noise.
In order to curb noise transmission effectively, insulation must be fitted to the respective source individually. HERTER Glastuchmatten provides you with solutions that are perfectly tailored to your individual requirements. We provide sound insulation for:
We are happy to provide you with the right protection measures.
Around four to five million employees in Germany are exposed to noise in the workplace that could be damaging to their hearing. Permanent exposure to noise in the workplace hinders your well-being and performance, causes stress and increases the risk of accidents, since signals and warnings can be blocked out by the noise.
Loud noise damages your health. If a limit of 85 - 90 dB(A) is exceeded, there is a danger of damage to the ear and hardness of hearing. Noise-induced loss of hearing remains one of the most prevalent occupational diseases. Furthermore, noise can lead to physiological reactions and disorders which can trigger cardiovascular diseases and diseases in the digestive system when the exposure to noise is extended over a large period of time or when other negative factors are present.
With the ever-increasing importance of sustainable workplace environments and the ever-stricter legal requirements, sound insulation and the related noise protection measures are playing a more and more important role in almost all building projects. It is necessary to fulfil operational and legal requirements with technically optimised, cost-efficient noise protection solutions. ‘Active sound protection’ refers to measures that reduce the noise level – for example, by reducing the noise pollution in the workplace to a minimum.
This is why major sources of noise such as manufacturing facilities should be taken care of with noise insulation during the planning phase. However, good sound insulation is not exclusively associated with new buildings. Retrofitting as part of renovation and modernisation works is possible.